Diving with surge currents (and return alive to shore) / Nadar con mar de fondo y cómo regresar en inmersiones de infanteria

English, Español sigue tras el texto en inglés This is one of the most complicated things to do: to dive in an area where a surge current is strong. It also makes your dive not so nice anymore. The first and most obvious one is that it´s very uncomfortable. You go for and back all … More Diving with surge currents (and return alive to shore) / Nadar con mar de fondo y cómo regresar en inmersiones de infanteria

Big or small DSMBs, that´s the question / Elegir entre boyas grandes y pequeñas.

English, Español sigue tras el texto en inglés Nowadays, everything is getting smaller: nobody wants hoses, big reels and the old big DSMBs are getting out of use (even at tech diver level, what I´m not so convinced yet). However, I´m still one of the few that actually, depending on the kind of diving you … More Big or small DSMBs, that´s the question / Elegir entre boyas grandes y pequeñas.

Combinations of wetsuits: the cheapest way to dive anywhere (almost) / Combinaciones de dos trajes húmedos: la solución mas barata para bucear en (casi) cualquier lugar del mundo

English, Español sigue tras el texto en inglés It´s quite normal to get asked by divers which wetsuit, semidry or dry suit should they buy. In fact, there is only one possible answer: it depends on where you dive. However, if you live in a not so warm place, you are a new diver and … More Combinations of wetsuits: the cheapest way to dive anywhere (almost) / Combinaciones de dos trajes húmedos: la solución mas barata para bucear en (casi) cualquier lugar del mundo

Din or Yoke, what should I buy? / DIN o internacional, ¿qué tipo de regulador comprar?

English, Español sigue tras el texto en inglés At some point, I guess at one point some one would have told you that you should buy a DIN regulator. They are more reliable and in theory safer… yes, but only if you do or plan to do certain kind of dives, not in normal recreational … More Din or Yoke, what should I buy? / DIN o internacional, ¿qué tipo de regulador comprar?

Don´t ask which computer would give you more no decompression time / Cuando compres un ordenador no preguntes cual te dará más tiempo bajo el agua

English, Español sigue tras el texto en inglés One thing that sometimes makes mi crazy is that lots of divers look for the computer model that gives them most no decompression time on certain dives. You litsen to some of them and one says this model gives me 40 minutes while yours only gives 35. … More Don´t ask which computer would give you more no decompression time / Cuando compres un ordenador no preguntes cual te dará más tiempo bajo el agua