Letting the equipment go / Deja que ascienda tu equipo

English, Español tras el texto en Inglés Not long ago, I was discussing with a good friend about a diver we had met long time ago that died because her wing self inflated after a deep tech dive. We were discussing about the problem and what would we have done. You may think it was … More Letting the equipment go / Deja que ascienda tu equipo

Rethinking redundancy in recreational diving/ Redundancia en buceo recreativo

English, Español tras el texto en inglés There has always been a big discussion wether or not there should by any kind of redundancy in recreational diving. Some tried a «kind of» redundancy, like spare air or H2Odyssey. In both cases, the amount of air is quite limited but it gives some kind of additional … More Rethinking redundancy in recreational diving/ Redundancia en buceo recreativo

Integrated octo – power inflator / Octo-inflador integrado

English, Español tras el texto en inglés. A few years ago, it was quite common to find people that used an integrated octo- inflator system. I should say it was quite cool to see people with just two hoses: one for the regulator and a second one with inflator/ octo integrated (at this time, the computer was hoseless.). … More Integrated octo – power inflator / Octo-inflador integrado

Deep repetitive diving: what not to do / Inmersiones consecutivas profundas : qué no hacer

English, español tras el texto en inglés I know you have already read about the basics of repetitive diving and the safety tips: leave at least one hour of surface interval between dives, do your deepest dive at the beginning, do not do several repetitive deep dives unless you leave enough time between dives… And … More Deep repetitive diving: what not to do / Inmersiones consecutivas profundas : qué no hacer

Some tips for a circular search pattern / Consejos para realizar una búsqueda circular con un carrete

English, español tras el texto en inglés I know this search pattern is not used much: you only use it in flat bottoms and in very specific situations since there are more efficient search methods in most cases. You use it in very low visibility or with currents. If there is a current, the only … More Some tips for a circular search pattern / Consejos para realizar una búsqueda circular con un carrete

The perfect weighting (wetsuit)/ El perfecto lastrado con traje húmedo

English, Español sigue tras el texto en inglés I do not know why but it looks like lots of people do the weighting incorrectly. There is a trend thinking that the more you dive, the less weights you need. My experience says something different: if you do it properly from the beginning and you always … More The perfect weighting (wetsuit)/ El perfecto lastrado con traje húmedo

A little trick that would save you some air (if you are a heavy consumer) / Un pequeño truco que te ayudará a consumir algo menos de gas (si consumes mucho).

English, Español tras el texto en inglés I know some of your instructors may have told you that you only need time to reduce your air consumption: you will get more and more comfortable in water and you would use less and less air. Elsewhere, I explained a few drills to reduce your air consumption. … More A little trick that would save you some air (if you are a heavy consumer) / Un pequeño truco que te ayudará a consumir algo menos de gas (si consumes mucho).